Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Every year I make New Year's Resolutions. This year my resolution was not to make a resolution.

Last year's resolutions hit me pretty hard. First and foremost, I wanted to lose weight. Typical, right? Well, I realized that I was turning 30 in 2008, and I wanted to be healthy for the first time ever. So I tried diet and exercise, and quit pretty quickly. Joined Weight Watchers again in September, which is the first thing that ever worked for me. But I have been following it loosely.

Second resolution: To stop biting my nails. I have been doing it for years. Way too long. It would be wonderful to look at my hands and see a woman's hands, not the hands of a nervous teenager biting my nails down to nubs. Do you think this one worked? Nope, as I'm typing, I'm looking at my sad, ragged, peeling, nubby nails.

Third resolution: To get organized. It's my dream, a far-fetched one, but I would love to become a personal organizer. That being said, my own life is a bit of a mess. I cannot practice what I preach. I absolutely LOVE to organize other people's things, and I can seem to find solutions on many things that others just don't see in their own homes. Did this one work? Nope. I'm typing in my dining room next to a towering pile of CD's and a basket of papers a mile high.

This year I did not set myself up for disappointment. However, the house is looking better (even better once I put away the Christmas decorations), and I'm starting Weight Watchers again tomorrow. Wish me luck.