Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Saturday's falling down the stairs incident was only part of this bad weekend. Read my other blog for those details. The rest of Saturday went well. He didn't have any serious injuries from the fall. He spent the rest of the evening at my parents house since we had the Installation dinner for Chris's Fire Department. My parents said he acted just fine, and seemed to feel just fine.

Sunday morning he woke up at around 8:00, and hung out with me for about 2 hours. He seemed to be doing alright, a little more clingy than usual and a little under the weather. When Chris woke up at 10:00, I took a shower and started to get ready for the day. When I returned, Brady was snuggled up with Chris and seemed sicker. He didn't want to eat his breakfast, he just wanted to watch TV with Chris. We called the pediatrician since I realized he had a high fever, I was concerned he had some after effects from the fall.

I had planned to take Braden to lunch with a friend, and then we were all going to Krissy's for a Pampered Chef party. Brady loves being at Krissy's house. But I left him home with Chris, skipped lunch, and just picked Melissa up to go to Krissy's. When I got home at around 5:00, Brady spent the day cuddling with Chris and sleeping. I stayed with him for a while, and at 6:00 I put him in his crib so I can have some dinner. He fell asleep easily and slept for an hour. Chris went to his cousin Shayne's birthday party, but Braden and I stayed home since he wasn't feeling well. We spent another hour and a half cuddling until I tried to put him to bed again.

He slept on and off for most of the night, he woke up almost every hour crying. At 3:30 he woke up, seemed to have a lot of energy since he had been sleeping the entire day before. We got up and played, had breakfast (I thought he woke up since he didn't eat at all the day before). He played for a few hours and at 7 am, I was ready for a nap, and I tried to put Brady down as well.

This is the part that killed me. I tried to put him down to sleep, but he started SCREAMING. He was yelling so loud his voice was cracking. I let him go a few minutes but this was not any normal crying, since sometimes I will let him cry it out if necessary.

All day long, I tried everything to tire him out enough to sleep. We went shopping, which he fell asleep in the car, only to wake up when we got home and scream again when left in his crib. I took him for a ride around the neighborhood, same deal. Finally at 2:15 he fell asleep after 10 minutes of carrying on. I felt terrible but he would calm down and eventually wind up again. Finally he fell asleep for two hours, woke at 4:30 crying and really fussy. He kept crying and whining, and clinging to us. After he ate he seemed better... and then fussed when I put him in the crib, but eventually fell asleep, with a bit of crying and yelling but only for about 5 minutes.

After he fell asleep I realized that his ears probably are hurting him terribly, since he only screams and cries when he is trying to lay down. He has an ear infection - so I'll bet it's killing him right now.

This means another trip to the pediatrician - they make a killing off of us. Hopefully someday Brady's immune system will be stronger - so far since Christmas we had a cold that was making Brady not be able to breathe (which ended in Children's ER with a breathing treatment), pink eye with a cold, a double ear infection, and a fall down the stairs. Ugh!!

Sorry for all the rambling - I've just been really concerned about his health lately. I hope everyone is doing well!!!

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